Friday, October 17, 2008

A Day In The Life...

I recently had someone ask me (thanks Niki!) how I do all this with 2 kids. I thought a good way to answer that would be to go through a typical day:

4:55am - Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.
5:05am - Alarm goes off again. Sometimes hit snooze again, but today I got up. Get dressed. Drink 4oz water + 1 scoop vanilla whey protein.
5:30am - Get to gym and workout - Today was Turbulence Training for Mass, phase 2, workout D; plus TT 6 minute abs circuit
6:20am - Finish workout and head home.
6:30am - Get home and drink 4oz water + 1 scoop chocolate whey protein. Eat 1/2 a banana.
6:45am - Leave home and take the bus to work.
8:30am - Eat breakfast. Today was 2 egg beaters nuked in the microwave, 1/4 tomato, 1 apple, 1T peanut butter. Then work, work, work.
11:20am - Decided it was nice enough for a walk outside. Stopped by the cafeteria on my way back and picked up a few items from the salad bar.
12:00pm - Lunch. Today was leftover casserole from last night and salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, hard boiled egg.
2:00pm - Snack. Plain yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, walnuts and flax.
4:30pm - Get home from work and start making supper. (Hubby stays home with the kids all day so we don't have to pick them up from daycare or anything like that.)
5:15-ish - Eat dinner. Tonight was chicken breast with 1T sugar free BBQ sauce and sweet potato. Kids "don't like that" so I make a roast beef sandwich for one and a jelly sandwich for the other. I try not to be a short order cook, but some nights it still ends up that way.
5:45-8:00pm - Play with kids, check email and TT forums, get kids ready for bed.
8:00pm - Bedtime snack. Tonight it was 8oz Calorie Countdown dairy beverage with 1 scoop Cinnamon Bun Muscle Milk and 1.5 svg vanilla pudding powder (a new experiment). I let it set in the fridge and then topped it with cool whip free and walnuts.
8:30-10:00pm - Put kids to bed, get lunch and snacks ready for next day. Today is Friday so I usually finalize my meal plan for next week and finish my grocery list for tomorrow. This is also time for loading the dishwasher and doing laundry.

That's about it. I try to be asleep by 11:00pm.

Last night I actually took a picture of all the stuff I brought to work today. A few more containers than usual.

On the left, from top to bottom, we have an apple, plain yogurt, egg beaters, casserole, spinach. And on the right is strawberries/blueberries, peanut butter, walnuts/flax and tomato.


LISA said...

Thank goodness I am normal... that is what my lunch use to look like when I was working in my old job... what are egg beaters?

LISA said...

I am impressed! I didn't read the rest of your post before commenting on the containers full of food. That is such a long day. Do you feel tired? I seem to need at least 7 hours sleep to function properly - you survive on around 6!

Abby said...

Egg Beaters are a low calorie, no cholesterol, packaged liquid egg. It's 99% egg whites. It's more convenient to microwave at work than real eggs. If I am cooking eggs at home, I almost always use real eggs.

Six to six and a half hours of sleep seems to work pretty well for me. But somedays I am more tired than others. :)

Unknown said...

Abby - thats amazing! Does TT call for the whey protein drinks? My husband was going to order me the program, but he was nervous about the website. Do you receive an actual book/manual or is it all pdf files that you down load at home? And how do you find the TT members website? He wanted to make sure it was reputable. Anyway - congrats on your training and all that you get done in a day!

Abby said...

Niki - TT does not call for whey protein. That's just what I like. There's a bonus that comes with TT called Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines, but his diet is not "required". Just general recommendations on nutrition. There's a link in my sidebar (under the "Links" section) called "TT 21 Day Trial offer". You can try TT for 21 days for $4.95 and you get 3 months free to TT Members (and all the cool bonuses). There is also a link in the sidebar directly to TT Members if you want to check it out. TT is an ebook that you download. There are actually a ton of different 4-week workouts available to download from TT Members. When you order, you are walked through downloading the program, and setting up your account on TT Members. Thanks for stopping by and for the great questions! :)

Unknown said...

Nikki, I was also very skeptical about hopping onto a website, forking over some money, and praying that this would be something that actually does! I used to lift and run and lift and run some more. Unfortunately, the way I was exercising was really working against fat-burning and leaning more towards muscle burning (a very bad thing when you're trying to lose weight (esp. fat). You may want to try the TT Trial Offer (you'll regret that you didn't do it sooner).