I recently had someone ask me (thanks
Niki!) how I do all this with 2 kids. I thought a good way to answer that would be to go through a typical day:
4:55am - Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.
5:05am - Alarm goes off again. Sometimes hit snooze again, but today I got up. Get dressed. Drink 4oz water + 1 scoop vanilla whey protein.
5:30am - Get to gym and workout - Today was
Turbulence Training for Mass, phase 2, workout D; plus TT 6 minute abs circuit
6:20am - Finish workout and head home.
6:30am - Get home and drink 4oz water + 1 scoop chocolate whey protein. Eat 1/2 a banana.
6:45am - Leave home and take the bus to work.
8:30am - Eat breakfast. Today was 2 egg beaters nuked in the microwave, 1/4 tomato, 1 apple, 1T peanut butter. Then work, work, work.
11:20am - Decided it was nice enough for a walk outside. Stopped by the cafeteria on my way back and picked up a few items from the salad bar.
12:00pm - Lunch. Today was leftover casserole from last night and salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, hard boiled egg.
2:00pm - Snack. Plain yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, walnuts and flax.
4:30pm - Get home from work and start making supper. (Hubby stays home with the kids all day so we don't have to pick them up from daycare or anything like that.)
5:15-ish - Eat dinner. Tonight was chicken breast with 1T sugar free BBQ sauce and sweet potato. Kids "don't like that" so I make a roast beef sandwich for one and a jelly sandwich for the other. I try not to be a short order cook, but some nights it still ends up that way.
5:45-8:00pm - Play with kids, check email and TT forums, get kids ready for bed.
8:00pm - Bedtime snack. Tonight it was 8oz Calorie Countdown dairy beverage with 1 scoop Cinnamon Bun Muscle Milk and 1.5 svg vanilla pudding powder (a new experiment). I let it set in the fridge and then topped it with cool whip free and walnuts.
8:30-10:00pm - Put kids to bed, get lunch and snacks ready for next day. Today is Friday so I usually finalize my meal plan for next week and finish my grocery list for tomorrow. This is also time for loading the dishwasher and doing laundry.
That's about it. I try to be asleep by 11:00pm.
Last night I actually took a picture of all the stuff I brought to work today. A few more containers than usual.
On the left, from top to bottom, we have an apple, plain yogurt, egg beaters, casserole, spinach. And on the right is strawberries/blueberries, peanut butter, walnuts/flax and tomato.